if i thought the first time i saw onf was amazing...let me tell you i was BLOWN AWAY by the spotlight concert. NOT ONLY did they play gucci but also difficult and the we must love?????? they played SO many good songs. LIKE they did sukswim which i was NOT expecting since they skipped it in march. i was barricade so i was right there. i got so lucky with the queue number i got like damn. onf are literally such angels.
when it was time for the fansign i got really embarrassed and remember almost nothing about what happened (of course) my brain has so many holes. but i ended up telling seungjun and yuto that theyre my bias which is true but also embarrassing. especially cause minkyun heard me tell yuto that so when i said hi to minkyun he totally teased me. my voice pitched up cause i was nervous so mk like raised his pitch even higher to mimic me. bro when i tell you i was embarrassed...its very true. also yuto didnt understand when i said bias so i had to tell him hes my favorite. i got the makestar dragon pob set from love effect signed!!! its one of my favorite pob sets rn so i thought it was perfect.
at my yuto fanchat i completely blanked again but i did remember to ask him which design he liked better for my next tattoo!! i had drawn two little pictures and had him pick one. then he started to ask me if i was a tattoo artist and i was like "no no no i get tattoo's i dont do them" it was so cute. and also yuto said he wants to get a tattoo??? then we talked about how far virginia is from atlanta which was such a random topic but at least we were still talking lmaoo...i got so sidetracked with everything else that i didnt ask him to sign my copy of we must love...so i still have my ot5 we must love. which is fine because its really funny but im like god damn it. he signed our polaroid instead.
at the snapshots i got super lucky cause they restocked premium which meant i got to buy a hyojin one!!! i was so sad i wasnt gonna get one with him but everything worked out in the end. except when i went to take the picture with him he looked at me and went "pose?" and i was like oh fuck i need a pose but the one i panic chose was super super cute. it honestly turned out as one of my best looking polas. i keep getting told my wyatt pola looks like a real bf pic which absolutely throws me. its true but shhh... AND CHANGYUN CALLED ME CUTE??? the camera ran out of film so instead of a standard i got a free upgrade to premium (which honestly sucks?? i prefer the standard size) but it literally doesnt matter because changyun held my face for a solid minute while they fiddled with the camera. then when i was grabbing my things off the floor he bent down to help me??? hello?? and then he said i looked really cute?? changyun?? what are we /j
he seriously like...shot up to bias wrecker out of no where. i love all of onf but i still have favorite members but ohmgod...ok changyun...
i tried to sneak yuto a bracelet i made him but hes too responsible i was like "i made this for you" and he was like "aww...no gifts...thank you" i was liek damn but it wasnt a big deal cause i understood why i just figured id shoot my shot. its so hard to do the heart hands cause i angled it wrong but i dont mind too much...my first pic with yuto was perfect so im happy.
any interaction with minkyun absolutely throws me. hes too handsome and i panic? idk...but i asked him to put his palms against mine then he met my gaze and it was TERRIFYING hes so much taller than me.
seungjun is so sweet...i dont care if i barely say anything to him he just has such a comforting presence....like fuck man. both times ive taken snaps with him he just has such a warm energy...i dont even have a lot to say hes just vndsajnvajk
ok...so here's the most insane thing ever. when i was at the airport to go home i saw onf. (vine boom sfx) i was in line for TSA and yuto, wyatt and minkyun were right beside me on the other side of the ribbon. like...cause you wrap around in the line and we kept standing next to each other. so im staring and yuto looks at me and his expression like brigthened a bit and i waved. then when minkyun caught me looking he did a damn double take like he recognized me?? so maybe he did idk but bro did a double take. after going through the screening i saw the whole group standing together so i went over and caught hyojin's attention so i just said "thank you" before leaving. i honestly should have been slightly more specific because isnt it a bit ominous to say thank you and run off? oh well. hyojin like nodded and smiled after i said it so im sure he got what i meant.
my crazy fan side wished i could have spoken to them more but honestly?? seeing how often idols are bothered in public i didnt wanna hold them up or take pics and bother them. i wanted to acknowledge them and like show them i was happy to see them but i didnt want to go overboard or give them any trouble. it feels so responsible and im like damn it was my chance, but i think im happier with how i did act. like...just getting their attention at all was enough for me. the only thing i wish i'd said was how much their music means to me. but its ok. a thank you is enough. :)